Goals & Objectives
Berry Health Benefits Committee
1. Goal: Provide leadership in communication of berry health benefits to the public.
- 1.1: To foster berry health benefits research and interchange with the scientific community.
- 1.2: To promote awareness and understanding of the health and nutritional benefits of berries, leading to increased consumption of berry crops.
- 1.3: To emphasize the consumption of whole fruit.
- 1.4: To emphasize the synergy of the health benefits of all berries.

Public Policy Committee
2. Priority Issues:
- 2.1: Ensure that research and extension for berry crops are addressed in farm bill legislation and implemented by USDA.
- 2.2: Ensure that implementation of school-focused farm bill programs, as well as other federal feeding, nutrition, and health programs, for increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, is favorable for the berry crop industry. Monitor the Dietary Guidelines of Americans and influence those to support berry consumption.
- 2.3: Ensure that implementation of specialty block grant programs are favorable for the berry crop industry.
- 2.4: Ensure that food bio-security and food safety guidelines and/or regulations are practical, based on sound science and risk analysis, and are commodity, geographically, and farm specific.
- 2.5: Ensure that federal agricultural labor policies and legislation provide for an adequate and consistent labor supply, minimize bureaucracy, and provide for affordable labor.
Image Courtesy of the Washington Red Raspberry Commission.
Additional Public Policy General Action Plans
- 2.6: Facilitate a working group for each priority issue and reach out to NBCI members to participate (hope for participation by those with a vested interest in an issue).
- 2.7: Place NBCI members on stake holder advisory committees by identifying committees that relate to priority issues followed by nominating candidates for such positions.